
Todd Disotell

Professor, Department of Anthropology

I received my BA from Cornell University (1985) from an interdisciplinary major combining mathematics, computer science, and biological anthropology and went on to get an MA and Ph.D. (1992) from Harvard University in Biological Anthropology.  While originally there to study ape evolution through an anatomical and paleontological research perspective I shifted to molecular systematics.  I took a position at New York University in 1992 where I taught and carried out research for 27 years. In 2020 I came to UMass Amherst.  My research was centered around the evolution of Old World monkeys and apes, though I was also involved in studies involving New World monkeys, lemurids and lorisids, human population history, primate conservation and behavioral genetics, forensic applications, cryptozoology, and molecular evolutionary studies of diseases such as AIDS and malaria. 

As an aside, I am a strong proponent of public outreach of scientific research and have participated in several dozen TV shows, podcasts, and public lectures.

Research Interests: Primate evolution, molecular evolution, analytical techniques of phylogenetic systematics, history of biological anthropology, human variation

Twitter/X: ToddDisotell

Contact: tdisotell (at)

Rachel Bell Burten

Postdoctoral Researcher

Research Interests: The microbiome and metagenomics, primate evolutionary ecology, disease ecology


Contact: rbbell (at)

Thomas Wilson

Doctoral Student (co-advised with Jason Kamilar)

Research Interests: Primate genetics, coloration, ecology

Twitter/X: pettyprimate

Contact: tcwilson (at)

Zack Keller

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Major: Biochemistry, Microbiology and Anthropology minors

Research Interests: The effects of gene expression on sexually dimorphic phenotypes

LinkedIn: Zack Keller

Contact: zakeller (at)

Ellie Brown

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Major: Biology, Anthropology minor

Research Interests: Non-human primate behavioral ecology, evolutionary biology, cultural anthropology

Contact: epbrown (at)